Clarity Psychological Services offers customized assessment and consultation services, and individualized therapy services.
Psychological assessments provide a focused snapshot of current symptoms and functioning, personal strengths, areas of difficulty, recommendations for treatment and self-management are included in a comprehensive psychological report, as well as recommendations for academic and workplace accommodations if applicable.
Psychological treatment typically involves time-limited, recurring appointments with a psychologist in the service of a specific personal goal, either reducing symptoms of anxiety or depression, processing traumatic events, improving relationships, or overcoming other difficulties in order to live your best life. One-on-one therapy services are typically covered by insurance and some group therapy options are in planning as well.
Coaching services are for individuals who may not be particularly troubled by specific mental health symptoms or difficulties in their life at this time, but are looking to improve their quality of life, meet specific goals, or learn new coping skills for managing stress and other challenges.